CBSE Affiliation No.: 1030456
Primary Section (Class I - V)





(I – V)

Vocal Music  

(I – V)

Western Dance

(I – V)

Folk Dance

(I – V)


(I – V)

Quilling (Origami)

(III – V)

Vedic Maths

(III – V)


(I – II)


(I – V)


(III – V)

Debate Club (extempore + debate)

(III – V)

Hindi Club (Hindi poem recitation, qawali & street play)

(III – V)

Mono Act + Mime + News reading

(Hindi & English)

(III – V)


Secondary Section (Class VI - XII)





VI - X

Instrumental Music

VI - X

Madhubani and Warli Art

VI - X

Best Out Of Waste

VI – X

Vedic Maths

VI – X

Current Affairs

VI – X


VI – X

Creative Hand Writing

VI – X

Culinary (Fireless Cooking)

VI – X

Rangoli and Floral Decoration

VI – X


VI – X


VI – X

English Public Speaking (Debate, Elocution, Extempore)

VI – X

Hindi Public Speaking (Debate, Elocution, Extempore)

VI – X


Morning Assembly

When the day begins with the congregation of the family members praying together, greeting each other and wishing for the day ahead. The family who prays together stays together.

At St. Raphael, our students assemble at the ground everyday in the morning and begin the day with a prayer and chanting of hymn, thereafter class-wise student directed thought emboldening presentation on pre-suggested themes, are presented. Students go to consummate levels to deploy themselves to justify the responsibility given to them.

These performances spread awareness among other students and the conclusion is always steered by promises made by the students that they would always prove to be a true Raphaelite and an exemplary human being. St. Raphael thus, provides a symposium for the students to display their talent to express sagacious thoughts keeping the performance time precise yet appealing.

St. Raphael sternly encourages this assembly to develop a feeling of unity and harmony among the students and teachers; to update the students about daily activities and programs clearly; to develop in students the sense of identity and their obtrusive existence in the school; to give an insight of experiential moments with anecdotes and co-curricular activities; to motivate the students with appreciation, rewards, and accolades on performing well in academics and curricular activities.